Giving Donations


Our Share The Plate Program helps to support a worthwhile non-profit group while also supporting our congregation. 

To nominate an organization for our STP program, please complete and submit the form below. Only our ‘MEMBERS’ may submit a nomination.

Share The Plate Nominate an Organization

  • NOTE: ONLY UUCWNC Members may make a nomination.
  • If you have a connection to, or experience with, this organization that you’d like us to know.
  • Please write a 2-3 sentence summary of the Nominee organization or initiative appropriate for the "Order of Service" STP entry.
  • *Contact information for the NOMINEE is required*

  • Check one or more of the Mission Statements below:
  • Check one or more of the Principles below:

Thank you,

The Share The Plate (STP) Team |