Welcome to the website of  the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington, NC.

Our intention is for this website to represent the joyful voice of our congregation.

Our goal is to encourage and support our members, visitors and friends.

Special thanks to Reverend Dr. Kathy Hurt, our interim Minister of UUCWNC (2022 – 2024), for strategic encouragement, warm support and key guidance throughout the rebuild process.

During the winter months of 2023, the UUCWNC website was redesigned by members of the congregation.

We are grateful to: 

  • Julie Burcham, staff Administrator, Office Manager and WordPress advisor, who provided essential guidance throughout the website rebuild. Julie maintained, updated and developed new pages for the UUCWNC website from 2018 – 2023.
  • Director of Lifelong Faith Exploration Leslie O’Connor for religious education content development.
  • Award-winning photographer Paul Schreiber, who photographed images which serve to enhance and enliven our website.
  • All congregation members who provided support and advice to the UUCWNC Communications Team.
  • Reverend Cheryl M. Walker, the settled minister of UUCWNC (2009 – 2022), who guided the creation of the original website – the foundation on which the rebuild is based.
  • The New Jersey based hosting, development and design consultant TAG Online, Inc., for their expert assistance.     

Thank you for visiting our website. If you have any questions about this website, please email webmistress@uucwnc.org.

The Communications | Website Team
Josephine Hart, Heidi Kaufman, Jimmy Reeves

March 1, 2023