On Sundays, the following committees and teams volunteer their time and talents to buttress Worship services along with related learning and social activities. Please consider giving a hand and join the team that matches your interests and skills!  

Serve on Sunday

The Worship Team provides weekly support to our Minister, which includes arranging for Worship Associates who assist with Sunday services; Room Vergers who set up the Sanctuary and enlist Offertory Ushers; and Chalice Lighters and Zoom Vergers who provide the Zoom video and recording offerings.

When the minister is absent, the Team provides spirited lay led worship services which affirm our Unitarian Universalist values by offering inspiration, illumination and kindness to all who attend. We welcome all who wish to join the Worship Team!

  • Meeting Times:  Second Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 p.m.
  • Time Commitment:  Meetings last approximately an hour. Worship Team members who lead services prepare homilies and/or sermons which may take a number of hours to research and write.
  • For more information email worship@uucwnc.org

Worship Associates assist with Sunday services by selecting uplifting components such as the welcome, chalice lighting words, responsive reading, and offertory words. Worship Associates may be asked to provide other parts of the service as requested by the worship leader.

  • Meeting Times:  No meetings, but specific directions are provided by the worship leader the week prior to the service.
  • Time Commitment: Varies depending on the duties taken on.
  • For more information email worship@uucwnc.org

Welcome Table Team Members are available before and after each Sunday service to welcome visitors and members. The team assists visitors as they complete a brief form and name tag, invite them to coffee hour and offer information concerning UUCWNC, and Unitarian Universalism. The team also counts and records the number of worshipers in each service.

  • Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings, but training is provided.
  • Time Commitment: Welcome Table Team Members arrive 15 minutes before service and stay at the desk after service until visitors leave or attend coffee hour.
  • For more information email met@uucwnc.org

Greeters provide a welcoming face to each individual who enters the Sanctuary for Sunday worship. There is no special training. Greeters arrive 15 minutes before each Sunday service, welcome each person entering the Sanctuary, and provide an Order of Service. Greeting members, friends, and visitors on Sunday morning is a great way to get to know people and for people to get to know you.

  • Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings.
  • Time Commitment: Greeters arrive 15 minutes before each Sunday service and stay at the door to the sanctuary until service begins.
  • For more information email met@uucwnc.org

The UUCWNC Choir sings a diverse variety of songs one Sunday a month. We welcome you to lift your voice and join our choir! Ability to read music is not necessary. Practice recordings are distributed with your voice part highlighted.

  • Meeting Times: Weekly rehearsals are on Wednesdays 6:45-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary, from the first week in September through mid-June.
  • Time commitment:  Consistent attendance at rehearsals and performances throughout the church year is ideal.  If needed, it is possible to drop out for a month and jump back in when you are able to rehearse the music for the next Choir Sunday.
  • To learn more – Email: choirdirector@uucwnc.org


  • Room Vergers make sure the sanctuary is ready on Sunday morning before the service begins.  For more information email roomvergers@uucwnc.org
  • anage the Sunday Zoom service including audio, cameras, and recording. Training and support provided. Also, assist with memorials and other special events, as needed.  For more information email zoomvergers@uucwnc.org

Sunday Hospitality Hosts offer a friendly welcome to members, friends and visitors who join our Fellowship Coffee Hour following Sunday services in Dobkin Hall. What a great way to get to know people and for people to get to know you while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, and snacks.

  • Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings.
  • Time commitment: Hosts serve one Sunday every three months – just four times a year! Guidance and support are provided by a Team Captain.
  • For more information email hospitality@uucwnc.org

The Sunday Soup Team organizes our noontime communal luncheon on one Sunday of each month from October to March.  Soup Sundays, held in Dobkin Hall, are casual lunch gatherings featuring delicious soups and desserts made by members of the Congregation.

Donations of soups and desserts from members and friends are always appreciated.

  • Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings.
  • Time commitment: Each member devotes approximately two hours a month during our six-month soup season.
  • For more information email soup@uucwnc.org

Counters, who work in a team of two, are responsible for counting the Sunday collection, and preparing an office collection report.

  • Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings.
  • Time Commitment: There are four teams of counters; each team counts one Sunday per month and it takes about an hour.
  •  For more information email counters@uucwnc.org